Thursday, August 21, 2008

August 14

website writing skills
how to write on the web? This is the question that we often come across.
Since we all know that the pages or the display space on the net is very limited so ideally we need to be very precise, to the point, direct, crisp and attention grabber as a writer. Important stories should be displayed on the page 1 and then the successive less important stories can be displayed in the inside pages, in a way the funda of displaying matter on the web is same as that on the print. We needs to PRIORITIZE our understanding to the knowledge of NEWS and INFORMATION. The principle behind the website writing and the print writing is same. As we all see in the newspaper that regional, political, national and metro and many other are the sub sections of the newspaper same is the case with the website .

The logic behind writing the newspaper is that it is created on the basis of the priority of the information importance, which will turn out to be the item called as news. Collective information should be the aim of the websites and the newspapers with which the information priority is decided.
Another important aspect that we are observing, now a days is that newspapers size has grown considerably.The appetite for the news has grown but the newspapers are not able to cope with the niche up interests of the growing users. Therefore the websites are created and as the usability of the information is of the 24*7 and the control now lies in the operators hand. Unlike earlier , the newspaper editor or the publisher had the liberty to publish news which he thouggh was important .but today that is not the criterion. The information seeker is also the information maker and infact information gainer.
Website is a jungle but not as mess.On a website one can find loads of information but in a supervised manner. There is a typical behavior of the user that we need to understand.

The Internet user access the information with 2 aspects in his mind-I know
I Don’t Know.
Depending on the Interests which also can be of 2 types: Self generating interest
Somebody creates an interest in you
Our concern is with the priority of the news .we should not neglect the fact that a person can change his habit on the advice of another person. for example , if a person X has the habit of regularly visiting site but on the advice of his friend person Y , he also visits the site which he find great and starts visiting it regularly.This shows that it is really hard to get onhold of your audience for long time in this age od computers.

Every piece of news is information but every piece of information cannot be news. Because of the interest of the general masses. The news item presented must excite a large amount of people.

Further in the class we studied the difference between the website and the portal. Since large user base has started interacting then the websites have become portal ,accessed by million of people- people of various multiple interest.

Continous change in the presentation style of the news is taking place. Today the Present information style is in the form of writing, this is one aspect of the website journalism but another aspect of the website journalism which is taking on is of – audio and video.

In the class we studied about the Bindra’s achievement as a case study. we took 3 website where this news of Bindra coming back home was published –IBNLive, NDTV, REDIFF. Of all the worst written news item was by NDTV and the best-displayed news item was by Rediff. But again their news presentation parameters were different. What I mean to say is that –NDTV already has a news channel so it is expected that the coverage of this particular news item must have been telecasted live but the news item displayed should have been crisp and short and factually right .Also with the correct usage of the words. For example: arrives home is not correct usage instead it should have been reaches home. The story on the NDTV was dry and it did not made the presence feel that the item is going live. Another aspect that needs to be kept in the mind is that news written on the net is in present form, what one will write will be displayed and published then and there. No vague terminology and no exaggerated coloring to the news item should be done. It should create an excitement and should taste well since its very competitive and only to be written there.

In the other cases of the news like on the IBNlive – the story was supported with the pictures. One clear aspect that was shown was that –navigation and the homepage should be displayed properly. Here the picture should not have displayed on the 1st click of the story page.

In the study of the rediffmail- simple writing and then the pic was uploaded. Each picture has a story. They build the story with the pictures with the corresponding texts.

In the end the writer on the web should know that for whom am I writing for!!!!!!!

Priyanka Mittal

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